The Mad Skills That Set Startups Apart

We all know hard and soft skills. The combination of core, technical competencies, and interpersonal abilities and emotional intelligence.

A great combo makes great team members.

But did you know that a new set of skills is becoming extremely important, especially in fast-paced startups? These unconventional skills can be a key differentiator: they’re called mad skills.

The ‘Mad’ in Mad Skills

Mad skills are unusual. Unique.

They are often unexpected abilities that one can bring to the table. They’re not (always) listed on a resume, and would probably not fit into traditional jobs anyway.

Mad skills can go from fluency in a rare language to expertise in brewing craft beer, from a passion for extreme sports to being a master at juggling.

How Mad Skills Can Help Startups

These seemingly unrelated talents can be looked at as hobbies or party tricks. But they have the power to transform a startup in unexpected ways.

  • Creativity and Innovation: Startups face unique challenges and often require out-of-the-box solutions. Mad skills come hand-in-hand with creative thinking and an ability to approach problems from unconventional angles.
  • Problem-Solving: They can come from unique experiences and perspectives. They can create abilities to deal with challenges, by finding solutions that others might miss.
  • Adaptability: Startups evolve quickly. They need agility and ability. Individuals with mad skills are often adaptable and are not afraid of uncertainty.
  • Team Building: When people bring unique talents and passions to the workplace, it creates a more collaborative and supportive environment. Mad skills contribute to a more diverse and dynamic team culture.
  • Marketing and Branding: To create a distinct brand identity and attract attention in a crowded marketplace, use mad skills. They can help a startup stand out from the crowd.
Photo by Yohan Cho on Unsplash

Examples of Mad Skills

  1. The impro comedian: A tech startup could benefit from someone with a background in improv comedy. They usually think fast, have great communication skills, and can adapt to unexpected situations.
    Potential departments: product development and customer service.
  2. The artist: Been playing an instrument, or drawing since childhood? That shows that you can maintain interest in a practice over the long term and continue to learn to stay proficient. Artists have a deep understanding of aesthetics, rhythm, and emotional impact, and can help create a brand identity that resonates with customers.
    Potential departments: marketing and branding, team building.
  3. The Meme Master: A deep understanding of internet culture and an ability to create viral content can be of great value to a company.
    Potential departments: social media marketing and community building.
  4. The Pastry Creator: A skilled pastry maker or baker brings creativity and precision to the table. Their attention to detail, great patience, and perseverance in mastering recipes translate seamlessly into the tech world.
    Potential departments: Quality Assurance (QA), User Experience (UX) Design
  5. The Volunteer: If you’re a volunteer in an association or working for a cause you like, if you give your time to a professional group or sponsor people (students, trainees), highlight this mad skill in your CV and during your interviews. Kindness, empathy, and capacity to help are
    skills appreciated by recruiters.
    Potential departments: Human Resources (HR), Team leading

Cultivate Your Culture

Startups should actively encourage the use of mad skills. This will bring diversity, create a culture of experimentation, and recognize the contribution of team members.

As a job candidate, stand out from the crowd. Everyone mentions that she/he likes traveling or watching movies.

Go further, don’t be afraid to mention your mad skills. They can be what makes a recruiter choose you over another candidate.


Mad skills are not just a strange addition to a startup’s culture. So, recognize and cultivate the unique talents and eccentricity of your employees.

They can drive innovation in multiple ways, help with problem-solving, and be a great brand differentiator.


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