

Innovation and Digital Transformation Manager

“Sylvain is a passionate professional who finds the best solutions to meet his customers’ expectations.

He knows how to make suggestions to save time, improve efficiency, and ensure long-term success. I highly recommend him.”

Alexandre ANDURAND

Artistic Director & Graphic Designer

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Sylvain on several projects, and I can say that he’s one of the most dedicated developers I’ve ever worked with.

Sylvain has an exceptional ability to quickly understand project requirements and propose innovative solutions to meet customer needs. In addition to his technical background, Sylvain is an excellent baker, always ready to share his knowledge and experience with others. I’m convinced that Sylvain will be an invaluable asset to your team(s), and I highly recommend him.”


AI & Data Product Strategy @ Wenvision

“Great work with Sylvain on a challenging MLOps mission :

– Built a complex system of API matching low-code front, social networks API, and GCP
– Built a full (unstructured) data pipeline on GCP
– Automated a complete AI cycle on GCP (data collection, data transformation, prediction, restitution)
– Created and deployed two successfull AI models for text analysis and object detection”

Guillaume DE LA ROCHE

PHD – AI Engineer

“Sylvain is a very professional programmer with strong expertise in Python, Data science and Artificial Intelligence.

He was able to deliver in a very short time very good analysis of data for different projects and to implement efficient machine learning algorithms in different areas (customer segmentation, sentiment analysis, NLP, etc.).

Sylvain would be an asset to any AI team.”


Communication & Marketing Director | Artistic Director

“Sylvain is a true professional, always attentive and constantly pro-active to developments in his sector.

He is an agile and educational team player.

Working with Sylvain is the guarantee of a healthy and efficient collaboration!”


Co-Founder @Wink | Station F

“I recommend Sylvain, who is a top profile! We were lucky to have him on our team during our various projects.
He knew how to adapt to our technical stack, and was able to work successfully on various projects using different technologies, showing his ability to adapt quickly to a new technical environment.

His integration into the team has always been easy, thanks to his positive attitude and ability to work as part of a team. He’s always ready to share his knowledge and help the team.
Sylvain is also very resilient, able to handle project challenges effectively and find creative solutions to problems.
He is also quick to learn about new tools, enabling him to keep up to date with the latest technologies.
Finally, Sylvain can manage a project from A to Z efficiently, meeting deadlines and guaranteeing quality delivery.”

Timothée LAISNE

Specialist in digitalization and training engineering

“I was able to work with Sylvain on both IT and educational projects. Sylvain always had the right reflexes.

Teamwork with Sylvain always went very well.”


Founder @Workflowers, @Holli

“Sylvain is generous with his time and experience, and we were lucky to have him on board to develop our tool.

Over and above his technical skills, his thoughtfulness in relation to the various users and his ability to make suggestions were essential to the project’s success.”


Innovation Director IRFA Formation

“Sylvain is an extremely talented architect of new technologies, with whom I’ve been lucky enough to collaborate for many years.

Capable of overseeing and developing a project lasting several months, whether in total autonomy or as part of a team, and adaptable to all web technologies, he is the perfect interface between customers and production teams.

With his excellent analytical skills, Sylvain can adapt to any situation and propose the right solutions for a particular context. He is a passionate person, who is far from having shown his potential yet, and I’m sure he has a great career ahead of him in cutting-edge technologies such as AI and Data Science.”


AI Director, Strategy & Innovation Consultant

“Sylvain is not only skilled in the fields of Agile development and project management, he also knows how to adapt and learn. The experience of a senior with the ability to evolve of a junior!

He also has a deep human dimension that makes him a touchingly unique individual.
If you’re looking for a digital Swiss army knife with a soul, Sylvain is the man to meet!”


Founder @Pulsem

“Sylvain brilliantly occupied the role of CTO and Python lead developer during the development phase of our SAAS software “Vitemontexte”. His technical skills, particularly in Artificial Intelligence, NLP algorithms and Python, enabled us to build an exclusive technology for generating SEO-optimized content using AI.

Sylvain also demonstrated great expertise in system administration, ensuring a robust and scalable infrastructure for our platform in a configuration that was far from obvious (taking over the project from another team).

His ability to identify the right solutions for reorganizing our technical stack while remaining heavily involved in development was remarkable.
Sylvain is an invaluable asset to any innovative AI project, combining strategic vision with cutting-edge technical expertise. I heartily recommend him to any team looking for a really good CTO who knows his job inside out.”

Camille SAYOUS

Fullstack Developer

“I’ve had the pleasure of working on several assignments with Sylvain, and have been impressed by his technical skills and passion for innovation.

Sylvain is an exceptional developer, mastering various languages and frameworks. His ability to deliver robust and efficient solutions in all aspects of development is remarkable.

As CTO, Sylvain played a key role in defining the technical strategies of the companies we worked for. His leadership has led to unprecedented levels of efficiency and productivity. He is also passionate about adopting the latest technologies and best practices for projects.

In summary, I highly recommend Sylvain as a CTO and fullstack developer. His technical expertise, strategic vision and leadership skills make him an exceptional person.

Christophe Vergne

Investor and Entrepreneur in Clinical Field, Founder @MYPL

“I had the pleasure of working with Sylvain on a project. He is a great person to work with.

He has excellent active listening skills, understanding of complex situations and energy and creativity. Sylvain also excels in explanation and training. Knowing how to put himself on everyone’s level.
His sense of humor only adds to the fun! 🤩

I highly recommend him and I hope our paths cross again !”